Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Here and There

Today I received the email I've been waiting for since April.  My host family information came just shy of one week before departure.  

My host family information

This was all that was sent to me.  My mind is running rampant with different scenarios of how next year will play out.  It will be a drastic change.

  • Here, I have not once worked on a farm.*
    There, I might be living on one.
  • Here, I am the youngest of seven.
    There, I'll be the oldest of three.
  • Here, I live eleven and a half hours away from the ocean.
    There, I'll be on the coast.  

But I honestly couldn't be happier.  It's like finding out Santa Claus is real.
Ghana.  Cape Coast.  The Egyir Family.  8 days.  

8 days.

*I vaguely remember visiting a farm for a class field trip in the first grade.  I think I might have milked a cow.

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